Monday, May 30, 2016

The TRUE Artist

What defines an artist? When I was younger I believed that an artist was someone who paints, draws, sculpts.....
When asked what I do I usually said that I am an engineer...and an artist. But when thinking about this statement I have realised that there are many more different types of artists and there is an art-form in everything.

I would like to be bold and say that everyone is an artist. I know this is sometimes used to get people to try out something artsy but I mean that everyone is an artist just the way they are in the jobs they have and the things they do.
I would be so bold as to say that there is little difference in the work of Michaelangelo and your standard housewife cooking a delicous meal......except that Michaelangelo is famous and a few other things...

The reality is that we were all created by a creative God. The same amazing God who created the universe and all the stars and planets and well this planet... in all of its beauty and mystery.

Imagine with me for a moment of a world without any creativeness. I imagine for one we would all look the same and most likely we would be blobs that were placed on a bigger blob and we just sat there and did nothing. All of this  of course would be created in most likely 1 colour or maybe even just in black. I struggle to believe that from what I see everyday: every sunset, every flower, every new child, that we were created by something without any creativity.

And as a result of a creative and generous God we were created with a desire to create and to beautify. I watched a four year old girl, last weekend, put make up on and the very first question I was asked was: "Am I pretty?" she wanted to look beautiful.....she did however need to work on her skills and at four I guess that's okay haha. She put lipstick on like it was meant to make your lips bigger......much bigger.

I then started to think that even the way I ran the trail run is a creative process. I run up one way and another a different way or on a different path. We both ran the same race but we did it uniquely.

I love to run as fast as I can on the downhill sections of the race. I think this is because there is a substantial reduction in the energy required to do so. I can tell you however that this comes at a price. There is a level of focus required that is beyond day to day activity. Every step could be life threatening. Every decision could lead to much pain if not implemented correctly. With each step choices are made and around each and every corner new challenges have to be faced and creativity is needed to determine the best path to take. Without this ability you would make the same mistakes a million times and well if it was the wrong one you would suffer much pain.

Many other skills also require much creativity as well but also another factor is added. This factor is added when activities are performed in groups. Working as a team. Seems simple enough but if your style of playing or working or even your ideas clash with the rest of the team the results can be unpleasant and harsh. This is a factor of community working together and allowing each other to be creative but to understand that this is more than the typical me, myself and I. It too is beautiful and also amplifies the beauty of creating.

I think to an orchestra of musicians, an amazingly talented bunch of people, but if they don't work together as a creative unit then it would most likely make dogs howl. I expect slightly worse than white noise.

I have been educated in the world of synchronised swimming, creativity is key in determining how you will achieve the various seemingly impossible stunts. I still am in awe of some of the things that can be possible when a bunch of people work together to achieve something great.
If you want to see something amazing have a look at this video of some Russian swimmers who destroyed the competition:

I may be a bit biased on the topic of synchronised swimming. Not for this discussion tho =b

I have also been introduced to another form of creativity that I never knew could be considered an art-form. Its called love. I have met a girl and she makes me want to be more creative in the way I share stories with her, or the gifts I bring when I visit, when I think of things we can do together or things she enjoys doing or how I can get to spend as much time with her as possible....without being considered a stalker, haha. I think that I could quite comfortably say that this desire to be creative comes from a passion. A passion to love, a passion to run, a passion to paint, to do the impossible.... a God given passion. 

So all of us are budding artists and we don't even realise it. Don't let people tell you you are not creative or that what you do is not important or beautiful. I love that God used His creativity to make all of us different and I say you should embrace that. Use it expand it and you will be blessed 10 fold by it.

So in closing I say: "Go out and  create and in the process change the world, make it more beautiful and most of all make it your own."

Be blessed

Love Dani

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