Monday, July 16, 2012

It all started about this time last year..... I was given the opportunity to work in Germany. What an exciting time, a dream come true, a chance of a lifetime. What I did not know was that this would be an amazing time of personal growth as well as a time of much pain and heartache. Three years and 17500 km (If you drive by car) away from everything I have known and come to love.... 

It only really hit me on the day I was to leave everything behind and say goodbye. My last swim in the warm blue ocean, my last bit of stuff I still owned now packed, my last DMC with my best friend, my last time I could hug my friends and family (Till my next return which at that point seemed like never), my last meal at Wimpy and my first time on the other side of the glass wall between the passenger and all the people he will be leaving behind. I did not want to cry, I wanted to be happy, excited, joyful. The truth is I was scared to death and wanted to go back. 

My first overseas plane trip 10.5 hours in economy class and 15 minutes sleep I arrive in Munich airport. Then a further 1 hour flight to Hanover airport. At this point I was still dressed in shorts a shirt and slops. Outside temperature.... 2. I quickly changed into the warmest clothes I had and went to collect my bag. I was met by my boss and and was taken to my first apartment which was slightly larger than a shoe box and was given the front door key and told t be at work on Monday. 

I cannot describe the feelings, mixed emotions and lack of direction. I was exactly where I was supposed to be but was completely lost and .... ALONE. No one to visit, no one to talk to, no one to share things with, and 2 degrees C. 

Things that happened around this time that are worth mentioning include:

My first Christmas alone, my first boxing day with a church family I barely knew, new years with a bunch of teenagers (This was not so strange) and a firework display that continued from 4pm till 4am the next morning. At times I felt like I was playing a really long ass game of Call Of Duty, which did bring a smile to my face. I was in a different world where its safe to walk in the streets at night and the youth drink and smoke and swear (OK not a huge change there haha) and everything is German. I have been around a variety of cultures but nothing could prepare me fr what I was about to experience. A world silent and cold, planned but chaotic, solemn and yet filled with people. 

 My first experience of -16 accompanied by a numbness that I cannot describe, the wind would always take my breath away and I would only get it back when I was back indoors. I went through a constant confusion going from -16 to 23 whenever you enter a shop. I felt like I was going through male menopause (Whatever that would be like???). 
Over a month without sun..... this is enough to drive anyone insane, well if you are not from here I guess. I went through depression, through frustration and solitude that, without the hope of a coming summer, would kill you. gray cold and miserable, dark when you go to work and dark when you leave. The thought will this ever end and will I survive this came to mind more than once.... a day. 

We discussed the creatures we call Germans and the reason they are the way they are. This was very helpful to know that I did/will not fit, this puzzle piece was not from this box but I was determined to be me and declare my opinion.... until we started discussing German woman and such topics like is it ok to ask a girl to have sex after the first night of meeting. (Not much experience there). Oh and if you want to know .... Its ok. 
We spoke about the war and the language and the things to do and not to do. I was hoping that the cultural training would help me but instead it made me more confused and left me thinking "WHAT THE HELL AM  DOING HERE!!!!".

It was soon after this that I moved into my new and more permanent apartment and received more of that German culture. My new apartment had no lights, and when I say no lights I mean not even the fittings, just bare wires sticking out of the ceiling. I was apparently lucky to have a kitchen sink and a stove. 
Buying furniture was so much fun... putting it together was hell. I still have some unfinished furniture. I have a place that I can call home, that brings a smile to my face and comforts me when I am having a bad day. I love to entertain and have people over for dinners, lunches, coffee, .... pretty much anything. I live in the heart of the town with a 300m walk to the forest and a 100m walk to the city center, there are close to 100 different restaurants and pubs and clubs all around me and yet its quiet.... kinda strange. I live on the third floor and love it. My neighbors are ....... GREAT!!!! I don't even know there names. They never complain even if, like now at 12:14 am, I am playing music loudly and doing my own thing. 

I have since then eaten things that have pushed the boundaries of what I consider to be food, I have done 220km on the Autobahn, I have eaten at the nicest restaurants and stayed in some of the most beautiful hotels......
I have started painting for myself and want to show the world what gifts God has given me. I am pushing the boundaries of what I believe to be possible. This is the time for much travelling much change and much learning and I am up for the challenge.

There have been many adventures and I am sure there will be many more in the time ahead. I plan not only to make the most of it but also to learn more about myself and who I am and what it means to be me, what I stand for and what I don't.

The journey has begun.
An adventure awaits............. 

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