Sunday, April 28, 2013

Being the change you want to see

Good morning all my loyal readers ...... a few and select crowd

Today I woke up and did not want to get out of bed, I wanted to sleep in and watch TV, just loaf and be lazy.

Being the change you want to see is called for in scripture over and over again. Be the light of the world, Shout it out from the rooftops, be the salt........... be different to that which the world suggest we be.
We have to stand out in the world and look different, we have to create awkward moments and shock people. We have to challenge worldly thinking and ultimately we will be called fools for it, we will be considered to be broken, damaged goods, slightly off the wall. You know what.... I don't mind. I look around me and see people who do things without thinking, who hurt people because they can, who want things they cannot have, who have things they don't want, I see greed, envy, hatred, slander, lust, deception, PRIDE....... the list goes on. What are we doing? Why are we living like this, why do we put the chains around ourselves..... we let them be put on us, and we allllll try and deny it. I am no saint and I struggle with a number of those things and a whole bunch of others, this was not meant for others as much as it was meant for me. I know what I do wrong, I know what I should and should not do..... so why do I do what I shouldn't?

What is the point of being the change you want to see only while people are watching, thats not integrity, thats not what God called for, thats not what our hearts and souls desire. I don't feel better when I do the wrong thing even though no one is watching..... in fact I feel worse and it damages us on a level we don't even comprehend. It changes us and moulds us, our thoughts, our actions and our reactions.

For too long I have been living the change I want to see only while I am with others, only while I'm being watched. I want to be that person that says something and means it with all his heart. I want to be that passionate about the things I believe in. I want to step out the boat and maybe even get wet and have to try again and again. No I don't want to be..... I need to be that person.

I so often think something and say another, or want to do something and end up not. I am afraid of what I will lose but have I ever thought about what I might gain? What doing or saying the truthful thing will do not only to my life but also to my heart? I want to try it but the task seems totally unattainable, too much to handle but then I red a blog of a very inspirational lady who said much like eating an elephant we need to tackle the problem one small piece at a time and not get impatient. Eat a little and digest, eat a little and digest.........

She goes on to talk about worth and how a bank note still holds its worth even if its worn, crumpled or even slightly torn. We too hold our worth in the eyes of God. Guilt should not hold us back but rather teach us so we can move forward. Yes we make mistakes, we get lost, we go down dark alleyways and wander off in the wrong direction. Lets stop looking back and wishing we did it differently and instead focus on where we are going, but the first thing we need to do is actually look. Notice the desperate situation and then look to where we need to go.

Put the things that we try so desperately to hide out in the open and let the light shine on them. Let those we trust see you for who you are and be amazed at how they too will come out of hiding and light up. Be prepared for emotions that have been bottled up and for much tearing of the eyes.

So I say be yourself and be honest about who you are..... from there you will find freedom from the chains that we allow to be put around us and watch how a little bit of courage and honesty can truly change your life.


Dani D

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