Sunday, April 21, 2013

Burning bushes everywhere but in few God we do see

I have no idea how to start this post as I have so much I want to share that's in my heart. I will try and keep it to the point.

Today I had the most unreal day in the most unexpected place at the most random of time...... or was it?
I went down to have breakfast in the hotel this morning, it was early but I was out of bed... somehow. As I get to the dining area I was met with the sweet sounds of worship music, a bunch of kids singing and playing alllllll their instruments.....and there were many. I think little of it and grab some bacon and munch it like and American, with my fingers =). As I'm sitting there listening to the beautiful sounds of worship, which happened to put a massive smile on my face, I see the one girl go up to a bunch of people and ask them if they were interested in joining them at the church service they were playing at......

There it was right in front of me and I almost didn't even see it, God placed it right in front of me and I almost walked right past it, a BURNING BUSH. As with Moses and the burning bush, yes this was more literal with Moses but he too could have just walked on by and as with the story of Moses you wanna notice them bushes =) Elizabeth Barrett Browning addresses this in such a great quote: "Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God, but only he who sees, takes off his shoes, the rest sit round it and pluck blackberries, and daub their natural faces unaware."

So what do I do... I wait for the girl to come to me and ask me if I would like to join the service too...... and she doesn't. She walks on by and gets ready to leave. So many times the bush is there and when we eventually see it we say to ourselves, "God will bring the bush to us, He will make it walk right up to us and tell us exactly what God has in store for us..... God can do that but He doesn't. He wants us to seek, to explore to be brave and to step out of the boat. So there I am thinking what an idiot I was, why did I not just ask, why did I not say something, I just walked past a burning bush.... Luckily God knows that I sometimes need a second chance and the girl came past again and I jump at the opportunity, I walk up to the burning bush, I take the first step out of the boat, I ask her when and where the service is. All it takes is the first step.

So I end up at the church and awkwardly walk into the sanctuary and look around hoping that someone would notice me and talk to me when I see a waving hand and a smiling face, from here I was led through a beautiful worship service with heartfelt sharing, some tears and much laughter. Such a great time with God and with His people. I take the next step as I am invited to a youth rally that evening and the only people I know will be on stage. This time the burning bush is very clear but fear holds me back. Its been so long since I was around young christians that I did not know from a bar of soap. I sit at the back and watch from a distance. I spend the next 2 hours in relationship with God, getting to know my savior just a little better though a very talented and gifted team of young people. What an adventure......... so far

I am left with a huge smile and filled with the Holy Spirit. Only to be blessed further by being invited to a spontaneous dinner at Cook Out, my first involvement in a Harlem Shake, and a wonderful time of fellowship.

My heart almost can't hold all the joy that I received today, I feel like God gave me my birthday present 7 months early =) and God always gives the best gifts, the ones that last forever.

God works in mysterious ways, He made my heart skip a beat, my soul lift up, my strength restored and my mind go crazy with His amazing power displayed today.

And as I come to the end of the day and start to reflect on all that happened and all the people who touched my life I wonder to myself..... How many burning bushes do I walk past each and every day? How many occasions are there in a day where God offers an adventure, where He gives us something beautiful and we just walk right on by. Makes me wonder what we are all missing.

So be brave, keep a keen eye, and check every bush for God's hidden treasures.

Much Love

Dani D

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made it to the church service and had such a grat time at the rally and meeting your new friends! :-) GOD IS AWESOME!!
