Sunday, April 14, 2013

New seasons bringing new life

Yet another run today in the wonderland of Gods creation...... yes its in the center of Hanover but somehow its the one place where the business of the world around me seem to fade into the background.
The buds have started to show up on the trees...... ITS SPRING!!!!!!!!
The birds have started to sing in the mornings and the temperature had improved substantially.

What an amazing thing to watch the start of a new season and see the changes that occur all around you and how they are all carefully orchestrated and in perfect time with each other creating one of the most beautiful plays of all time. One that has been running since the beginning of time.

Its a sell out crowd and everyone is watching waiting in anticipation, waiting of the main act. The curtain opens and there stands a young couple dressed in the most glorious garments. The music starts gently and slowly the young couple move as one, almost as if they had been one for all of time.... made for each other. The music speeds up and they start to move more quickly flowing seamlessly across the stage. Everything is perfect, nothing is spared in creating this one scene, this one dance, this one moment.....
The climax is near, the music speeds, the dancers move faster and faster like leaves blowing in the wind. No one has taken a breath, everyone is waiting, fixed on the couple, its incredible. The music suddenly stops, he throws her into the air, and as she descends her garment explodes into what can only be described as divine beauty, more extravagant than diamond and jewels and more beautiful than any poem ever written. Ever heart is racing in the theater, every eye fixed watering from the intense passion of what just transpired not only in front of them but also of what occurred within them. The man waits patiently as she floats back down in splendor and grace ready to catch her and hold her close embracing her in his love. She is caught, splendor still falling all around them. The lights dim and the curtains slowly close. Its all over, the whole show comes to an end, seemingly as if it had only lasted for a few moments and yet at the same time a whole lifetime. The audience left speechless and breathless with tears streaming down their faces, unable to speak, struggling to comprehend what just happened.......

This is how I envisioned the changing of the season.... Winter to Spring to Summer. God displaying his incredible passion and His unending love for what He created. I can only imagine watching this all unfold from Heaven.

And after all of this I find myself thinking about my own life and how I too have been taken through a seasonal change. (It seems that when you live in Germany long enough your seasons seem to sync up =b)
A song has been put back into my lungs and in my heart. I have found joy and peace with all that is happening around me. I find myself more motivated to create and to reflect Gods beauty within me. It seems that a budding has happened in my life, its been a very long and cold winter and at times it has been hard to hold on and push through. I am learning again how to find my joy at the source..... God. It would seem that for a long time joy came from God through others, this is good but should not be a permanent supply for one's joy as it will never be enough to feed a flame as intense as the flame of God inside of you and me. This is always a very scary thing to find one's joy within the creator of the universe. Its great to experience his joy within others and to feed off of that but to have a direct tap to that amazing joy that comes only from the Love of the Father, that's what its all about. That's what God wants for you. But how?

Well, we all have to remember that this not God's first spring. He knows what He is doing when it comes to the seasonal spring on earth as well as the ones that happen in our lives. Leave the orchestrating to God. Let him take you forward, teach you, grow you, nurture you. He is truly an expert like no other. This does however require us to allow Him to do this most amazing work in our lives and create the most beautiful thing as only God knows how.

There is something quite amazing in the way that spring occurs. Everything happening just at the right time and in the right way. The weather changes the insects arrive at exactly the tight time, the birds and their music in perfect harmony with the procession, the buds, the flowers, the beauty and splendor of it all. And after it all runs to a seemingly perfect and precise schedule the fruit appears and ripens. And inside the fruit lies the power of  multiplication, of spreading, of growth much greater than within oneself. The seed.

So as spring springs upon us be aware of the beautiful work that God wants to do in your life and the great potential He has given you, not only to grow within oneself but to spread that growth amongst the nations.

Let the spring of God in your life create the seeds that germinate in the gardens of others =)

Much Love and seed sharing
Dani D

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