Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My holiday back home

So its been a few months now since my holiday back home.... strange to call my visit home a holiday but anyway. It all seemed like the coolest dream the next morning like I never really even went home at all. I came back a new person... the obvious had changed, like I had a great tan and blonder hair and a smile from ear to ear. But some of the more subtle changes were the huge amount of relief in knowing where I wanted to live and build my life....... South Africa.

I was so blown away on the way home by all the people I came into contact with the closer I got to Sunny South Africa, people started to smile and ask me how I was and talk to me.... I got my biggest surprise at the passport control area in Johannesburg airport where the lady checking my passport looked up at me and with a huge smile said welcome home Danny. I won't lie to you I had to run so as not to be seen crying. You would understand this if you have ever been through a passport control area anywhere else in the world. Firstly they don't smile and if you smile excessively they think you are mocking them...... I'm not sure how that works but anyway.

So I get all my stuff and go to the Mugg and Bean which is a coffee shop in SA. I get to the entrance and there I am greeted by a lady who asks me where I would like to sit and asks me how I am doing.... SAY WHAT!!! In Germany all you get is a waiter.... if you lucky 15 minutes after you have seated yourself and all they will do is say: "What do you want?" So at this point the smile on my face is from ear to ear. These where the things that up till this point I had taken for granted and just assumed was the norm all over the world. Well it isn't.

I got home quite late and there was a very good friend waiting to give me the biggest hug EVER, noting that at this point I had been travelling for 50 hours and was no longer smelling like roses but they did not care nor did me informing them about these facts stop them. I felt loved..... it had been a while since I got a hug that said I love and care about you and I am glad that you are here right now. I never thought so much about hugs until you don't get them, if you don't hug you don't know what you are missing out on =)

From there we went straight to the beach and I just lay in the sand for about 30 minutes and listened to the ocean and later went for a swim in the dark which is scary but i did not care too much. I have to say that my love for the ocean, one of God's constant reminders to me that He is so vast and great and powerful, has grown and I did try to spend as much time there as I possibly could.

One thing that I really noticed was the way I felt when African people started to play their traditional african musical instruments...... my soul leaped and my heart wanted to sing. I have heard many a performance in Germany on the streets but none of them come close to the guys playing marimbas. Each and every one of these experiences made me very emotional, in a good way. There were so many more of these moments during my four week stay and I don't want to bore you the details.

What I can say for sure now is that I am an African my heart belongs in Africa and even if the living conditions are tough with very high crime and poverty, nothing can make my soul sing more.
I came up with a little saying which I assume already exists but anyway: "I would rather live one day in South Africa than a whole lifetime elsewhere because for that one day I was truly alive"

I will post some of the more special moments during my stay in separate posts but for now I wanted to let you know that after all the concern and confusion and nervousness I am sure of one more thing.

My heart is much more at ease and comfortable with my choice. It hurts to be away but I know with all my heart that I belong in Africa.

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