Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Who's left when everyone goes home?

Who is the person that is left when everyone else goes home? When left on our own and to our own devices? No one to comfort us or to encourage us or to laugh with us or cry with us, or to watch us.....

How heavily do we rely on the validation of others and find ourselves of less worth when we have no one around to say good job or your'e so talented or even you are cool. How often do we, without realising it, seek the acceptance of others? So many of us don't even realise it, we don't see it.... or we don't want to see it? something to ponder on.

I fall prey to this need more often than I would like and I do it to fuel my desire of self worth. I need other people, who mostly don't even really know me, to say "that guy is cool" or "he makes me laugh" and I find myself questioning what for? Do I have to be liked by everyone, even if I become someone I am not to obtain their approval, their acceptance as if I am made less by someone's opinion of me...... Who's to say I am any less or any more than the man next to me on the tram or the guy who sits opposite me in the office. Who can say whether the guy that swears like a trooper has any less of an ability to love than Mother Teresa? I can't.
Then why do I still do it?

What is missing that I constantly seek approval and acceptance from others? Its the same reason Adam hid from God in the Garden, we are ashamed of ourselves. We lack the ability to comprehend the worth we have in the eyes of God. We don't see it. Every sunrise, every flowering field, every perfect wave, every singing bird just explodes with God's love for us and His affection towards us. He, the God of all Heaven and earth loves me. The one who put all things into being and can wipe it all out at the mere thought, loves me unconditionally. Say what!!!!
I still can't even begin to understand this but I know it and I want to understand it. I want to feel it, I want to share it..... but first I have to see it. We so often walk past thousands of God's love letters and hidden treasures and wonders and see them as mundane. 

God the creator of the universe loves you and watches over you and teaches you and is patient with you and kind to you, He carries you when you are week, rejoices with you when are happy and weeps with you when you cry. He knows the whole of you, ALLLLLLLL of you, and He still loves you. That's true love and divine acceptance. So I say if someone does not like you exactly the way you are, warts and all, then they are going to have to miss out and don't run from God cause that will never work..... ask Jonah. You can run but all that will happen is you will wear your shoes out and you will get really tired. And if God loves you with the warts then why feel ashamed? Embrace it!

Don't get me wrong receiving praise is a good thing when not used to validate self but rather to acknowledge how wonderfully God made you and to say thank you for all the gifts he so willingly gave you.

So my question remains, who's left when everyone goes home? Does God have a permanent residency or does He just visit? 

PS: Share your story, your comments or just smile after hearing a beautiful song sung purely because God gave us breath.

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