Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dearest Madiba

I don't know how to start to share my gratitude to such a person as you. You have shared so many agonizing moments with us, so many battles for us, suffered for the love of one thing........South Africa
Not the land but the people. Not for black or white or any other nationality but for the unity of so many nations that make up this home we call South Africa.

You have over the years become a hero for many people and for me. You have shown us forgiveness beyond measure, humility unheard of, sacrifice God strengthened. You were not perfect but it was hard not to think that way. You showed this nation and the world that change does not have to take centuries, does not require massive bloodshed or even the onset of war.

You have shown me what it means to be free to be equal and you gave us back our humanity and our conscience. It is far from over but what has been achieved in the past 19 years laughed at in its conception. You had a vision and a dream and a spirit that would not settle for second best. I admire that about you. 
You gave me something to strive for and something not only to achieve but to surpass. 

Its so amazing how we take things for grantid until they are taken away from us, ripped from our grasp. You are now gone and will be missed and I pray that your dream will be continued and that South Africa would become a lamp for the world. That we would put aside the pride and the selfish behavior and work together to bring equality in its truest sense that we all work together and that we support each other and care for each other. That those who are oppressed, hurt and cast away be welcomed into the family that is South Africa. I pray that one day we would treat fellow man as a brother and not someone to compete against. This is a bold and crazy prayer but it is my dream and I hope that together with the help of many others that this will be achieved.

There was never going to be a good day to say goodbye and it was never going to be easy but the time came and many hearts will mourn and many will reflect on the beautiful person you were. May we all learn from your wisdom and instead of just making a good speech but also work and work hard towards a unified and peaceful nation. 

You were a great leader, a wise teacher, a humble servant and a hope for a desperate nation. You have shown us the way but we will have to take the next step and the one after that in order to find true freedom. We have but a taste how much greater the fruits of freedom will be.

My heart aches and with tear filled eyes I bid thee farewell. May we meet again and may that be a day of much rejoicing and may I get to say thank you in person. God truly blessed this nation with a leader.

uyindoda emadodeni

Love Daniel

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